Monday, September 26, 2016

Oracle SOA 12C - com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated

When i was trying to send an email from Oracle SOA 12C, i was getting following error

com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPSendFailedException: 530 5.7.1 Client was not authenticated

 After some research and oracle documentation's help, I found out that my SOA server was not approved in the SMTP server whitelist.



Added the SOA servers to the SMTP server whitelist and send email started working.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Oracle SOA 12C - Not able to search instances with Instance ID

After migrating from 11g to 12C, when i was trying search process instances using instance id then i found out that  this option is no longer availble in EM console.

As per Oracle this option will be available in future release.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

OSB 12C - XQuery- Error executing the transformation: {}FODC0002: Error retrieving resource "file://.xml"

After migrating from 11g to 12C , XQuery function  fn:doc started failing in one of the OSB project when trying to refer a static XML. After some research found out that it's happening only with XQuery version 1.0 not with 2004.


Error Message:

Error executing the transformation: {}FODC0002: Error retrieving resource "file://<filename>.xml"


Xquery implementation has been changed in 12C. So, to resolve this issue, give full path for the file



OSB 12C - REST exposed pipeline - XML-24500: (Error) Can not build schema

When trying use WADL file from other OSB project and using in the pipeline which is exposed as REST, i got following errors

XML-24500: (Error) Can not build schema

It's happening only when yuou are using WADL file from other OSB project. There is no problem if you are using local WADL file.

In the schema files the xml header had encoding as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

This header prevented the WADL from loading the resource schema.


To make it work, just remove the encoding from the header and it will resolve this issue.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

<?xml version="1.0"?>

OSB 12C - WSDL import from MDS does not import cascading XSDs

When i was creating proxy services from WSDL by importing it from MDS which just have one XSD, it was working perfectly fine but when WSDL  has cascading XDSs  then its faling to create proxy service.

After some investigation, i found out that it was known issue and can be fixed by a oracle patch.


  1. Download  Patch 19637023 from oracle support
  2. Follow the instruction in README file.
  3. Take back up of your system.
  4. Apply the patch.
  5. Try to create proxy service by importing WSDL with cascading XSDs from the MDS.
 After applying this patch, this issue was resolved.

Friday, September 23, 2016

OSB 12C - Unable to deploy service using File Transport

When i was trying to deploying a OSB project  with business service having File Transport from JDeveloper to OSB cluster, deployment failed due this error

Service Bus Deployment Error
No transport provider registered with ID: file

After going through Oracle documentation, i found out that File Transport was only  targeted to  my OSB cluster. It should targeted to both the Admin and OSB cluster.


Follow these steps:

 - Login into WLS Admin console and edit a session

- Go to Deployments

- Select File Transport application "Service Bus File Transport Provider"

- Open "targets"

- Select change target option and add target to both "Admin & OSB Cluster" for OSB Cluster domain. For single server domain (just admin server), target will be just "AdminServer"

- Save and active changes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Oracle JDeveloper 12C- Error in Integrated Weblogic 12C in SOA Suite - Not find or load main class

When i was trying to run SOA project first time in Jdeveloper Integrated Weblogic server , i got following error

Could Not find or load main class
Stopping Derby Server
Derby Server Stopped


 It was happening due to there was space in my user name


 C:\Users\FirstName LastName\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system12.\DefaultDomain


 I have replaced my <firstName lastName> with <firstName~1> in all the *.cmd files under the  /DefaultDomain/bin folder. You can find Weblogic default domain at following path


 After that i was able to run the integrated weblogic server.

Oracle BPM 12C - BPM workspace timed out error

I was using Oracle BPM 12.1.3 version and getting BPM workspace  timed out very often after submitting the task.  I also gone through BPM workspace and application configuration but everything looks normal.

BPM Workspace configuration

Session Timeout =1000
Session Invalidation= 60

Application Configuration

Session Timeout=4000
Session Invalidation= 90



I gone through some of the oracle documentations and found out we can set INVALIDATE_SESSION_ON_LAST_RVP_RELEASE parameter can be set as FALSE in adf-config.xml file to get rid of this error.

<adf-controller-config xmlns="">

 After this setting timeout error was gone.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

OSB 12C - Not able to login to SB console - Error 401--Unauthorized

When I was trying to login into OSB console http://localhost:7001/servicebus/, I  got Error 401--Unauthorized error on the browser. It was happening on OSB version.

ADFC-0619: Authorization check failed: User 'weblogic' does not have 'VIEW' permission on 'jsf.resourcesPageDef'.[[ ADFC-0619: Authorization check failed: User 'weblogic' does not have 'VIEW' permission on 'jsf.resourcesPageDef'.


After some investigation and following oracle documentation , i found out that i was using JDK 1.8 which was not certified with Oracle SOA Suite 12C 12.1.3.


Download  and install  JDK 1.7 from  oracle site and reconfigure the weblogic start and managed scripts within and <wls_domainHome/bin> to update the JAVA_HOME parameter to your new JDK 1.7 install.

Restart the admin and managed servers. Now you wouldn't see that issue again.

OSB 12C : The conversion of MFL to XSD fails in an OSB 12c project

When using the Native Format Builder wizard in JDeveloper for an OSB project, the conversion from MFL to XSD fails with the error 'Root element must be provided.'.


Please use a SOA project for the conversion from MFL to XSD instead of an OSB project.

The feature is for SOA and is not for OSB in current JDeveloper. The feature for OSB has been requested as an enhancement.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Oracle SOA 12c : SOA 12c XSLT processor fails with an empty function definition

When invoking a function whose definition is empty (i.e. is syntactically valid but does not contain any transformation nodes), the 12c SOA Suite engine (and JDeveloper 12c) fail during execution and return an error message.

Error message in 12c: Failed to transform source XML. oracle.xml.xpath.XPathException: EmptyFunction function under namespace internal is not defined
It was working in 11g version it worked and it fails in 12c version.


Oracle support has provided a patch to fix this issue.
Apply <Patch 21571604>

To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Download and review the readme and pre-requisites for the Patch
2. Ensure that you have taken a backup of your system before applying the recommended patch.
3. Apply the patch in a test environment.
4. Confirm that the above interim patch has been successfully applied by executing the following command:
opatch lsinventory -detail.
5. Retest the issue.
6. Migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

OSB 12C :WSM-06404 error in a WS-AT web service call on OSB 12c

When executing a WS-AT web service operation the following error is thrown:

<WSM-06404> <The resource pattern "ResourcePattern [absolutePortableExpression=/WLS/osbdomain/|#MODULE|WS-Client({}WSAT10Service#ParticipantPortTypePort,wls)]" does not uniquely identify the subject.>

It was caused due to transaction is being left open even after the message was consumed.


Use @TransactionManagement(value=TransactionManagementType.CONTAINER) instead of @TransactionManagement(value=TransactionManagementType.BEAN) in the web service.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Oracle SOA 12c OWSM :validation errors: WSM-02557' during SOA server startup after upgrade to 12c

I got following exception while starting SOA server after 12C upgrade

<> <WSRMLogMessages> <logWarningUnexpectedError> <OWS-25106> WSM-02557:oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor:The documents required to configure the Oracle Web Services Manager runtime have not been retrieved from the Policy Manager application (wsm-pm), possibly because the application is not running or has not been deployed in the environment. The query "&(@appliesTo~="WS-CLIENT()")(policysets:global/%)" is queued for later retrieval..
               at Method)
               at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

oracle.wsm.policy.advertisement.AdvertisementException: WSM-01709 : The Runtime PolicySet cannot be advertised due to validation errors.

Solution :

1. Log into the WebLogic Console, click on deployments, and validate that owsm-pm is targeted.Log into EM (Fusion Middleware Control), right click on the WebLogic domain/<domain>.
2. In the domain dropdown, select cross component wiring/components.
Select OWSM Policy Manager

Make sure the OWSMPM entries are not out of sync and make sure the URL is correct. This is the advertised location of the wsmpm application in the domain.

If it is out of sync, hit publish.

Select OWSM Client

Make sure owsm pm entries are “wired” and make sure the URL is correct. This is the configuration of the client on where to find the owsmpm application.

 If out of sync, click Bind and verify that the new address is correct.

Restart all the servers.

Oracle B2B :Unable To Access Oracle B2B 12c Console

After installation when I was trying to access b2bconsole, I got following error

[2015-09-03T09:42:59.309-04:00] [soa_server1] [ERROR] [] [org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.UIXComponentELTag] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '12' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: weblogic] [ecid: 9c892099-a6a3-49b1-90ee-d4c5a34cbedc-000ad130,0] [APP: b2bui] [DSID: 0000KyJSWXnESO15zvc9yW1LpQ19000003] Error when processing tag for component with id: "selectedPolicyTable". The scoped id of the parent component is ":tpProfilePanelPage:selectPolicyHeader".[[
javax.faces.FacesException: com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException: Cant instantiate class: oracle.tip.b2b.ui.backing.partner.TpChannel.
at com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl.createComponentApplyAnnotations(
at com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationImpl.createComponent(
at javax.faces.webapp.UIComponentELTag.createComponent(

The main reason for this error was i have not extended the domain for B2B

Solution :

Extend the domain to include b2b as indicated in Chapter "17 Extending the Domain with Oracle B2B" of the Enterprise Deployment Guide.

Restarted all the servers. I was able to access the B2B console.

Oracle SOA 12c: BPEL callback processing is taking much longer than expected for Flow N activity

In one of my bpel project when I was using parallel Flow N activity, It is expected that BPEL will process callbacks from asynchronous invocations within a couple of seconds but under load it's found that there is an unexpected delay of around a minute. Sometime process got timed out.

Then we found out that When using Parallel Flow "flowN", in a clustered environment and one of the nodes is executing a particular BPEL instance, it acquires a DB lock for that instance and no other nodes can execute the same BPEL instance at the same time.  

This results in the messages (including callbacks) on the remaining nodes being rescheduled and delayed for a configured amount of time.


Apply following JVM option and carefully reduce its value: 
-Dbpel.dispatcher.contention.rescheduleDelay=[Number less that 60] (Default is 60 sec) 
IMPORTANT NOTE: Reducing the rescheduleDelay value could create a DB contention so it's advisable to carefully tune it.

These settings solved our issue.

Oracle BPM 12C - Cannot open web form in composer

When I was trying to open Web Forms tab in BPM composer , i got the the following error all the time 

Error 500
Oops, an error has occurred. If the problem persists please contact your administrator.

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: entryId is null
at com.frevvo.forms.client.FormsService.getEntryURL(
at oracle.bpm.webform.service.WebFormsService.getApplicationsForProject(
at oracle.bpm.webform.service.WebFormsService.deleteAllApplications(
at oracle.bpm.webform.service.WebFormsService.getProjectForms(
at oracle.bpm.composer.bpm.editor.webform.manager.WebFormStateManager.initFreevoForms(
at oracle.bpm.composer.bpm.editor.webform.manager.WebFormStateManager.getFrevvoForms(


This issue was caused due to a missing JVM parameter: -Djava.awt.headless=true

The server needs to be started with java.awt.headless=true because it is started from a non-graphic console. This is needed for all server apps and is not specific to WebForms.


1. Edit the "" script
2. Add the "java.awt.headless=true" to the JAVA_OPTIONS JVM environment variable
3. Restart the Managed Server.