I got following exception while starting SOA server after 12C upgrade
<oracle.j2ee.ws.rm.WSRMLogMessages> <WSRMLogMessages> <logWarningUnexpectedError> <OWS-25106>
javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: WSM-02557:oracle.wsm.policymanager.accessor.BeanAccessor:The documents required to configure the Oracle Web Services Manager runtime have not been retrieved from the Policy Manager application (wsm-pm), possibly because the application is not running or has not been deployed in the environment. The query "&(@appliesTo~="WS-CLIENT()")(policysets:global/%)" is queued for later retrieval..
at oracle.j2ee.ws.common.wsm.WSMPolicyHelper.retrievePolicySet(WSMPolicyHelper.java:736)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.DispatchImpl$1.run(DispatchImpl.java:600)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.DispatchImpl$1.run(DispatchImpl.java:594)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.DispatchImpl.getPolicySet(DispatchImpl.java:594)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.client.jaxws.OracleDispatchImpl.getPolicySet(OracleDispatchImpl.java:180)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.rm.util.RMUtils.getInterceptorConfigForDispatch(RMUtils.java:513)
at oracle.j2ee.ws.rm.util.RMUtils.getClientConfigurationInfo(RMUtils.java:144)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
oracle.wsm.policy.advertisement.AdvertisementException: WSM-01709 : The Runtime PolicySet cannot be advertised due to validation errors.
Solution :
1. Log into the WebLogic Console, click on deployments, and validate that owsm-pm is targeted.Log into EM (Fusion Middleware Control), right click on the WebLogic domain/<domain>.
2. In the domain dropdown, select cross component wiring/components.
Select OWSM Policy Manager
Make sure the OWSMPM entries are not out of sync and make sure the URL is correct. This is the advertised location of the wsmpm application in the domain.
If it is out of sync, hit publish.
Select OWSM Client
Make sure owsm pm entries are “wired” and make sure the URL is correct. This is the configuration of the client on where to find the owsmpm application.
If out of sync, click Bind and verify that the new address is correct.
Restart all the servers.
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